United Against Inequities in Disease (UAID) is a 501(c)3 national non-profit organization that empowers students to eliminate health inequities locally. 

Located at 13+ campuses around the country, UAID students benefit from a number of opportunities including:

  • Training in health equity with an opportunity to earn a certificate

  • Leadership opportunities and professional skills development

  • Real-world experience working to reduce local health inequities

  • Experience writing research essays and papers to be published in the UAID journal

  • Experience creating and presenting research posters to be shared at the UAID Conference

  • Academic credit or practicum/capstone requirement fulfillment

To support our students on their unique and fulfilling journeys, we are seeking mentors in public health who will provide them with valuable guidance on their UAID projects and research posters/papers via two roles: UAID Health Equity Research Mentor and UAID Health Equity Practice Mentor.

UAID Health Equity Practice Mentor Responsibilities: The ideal mentor will have both significant experience in practicing public health/health equity and also academic research. UAID Health Equity Practice Mentors are responsible for meeting with students from their chapter at least once a month. These meeting times are to provide chapter guidance on their Community Projects, ensuring that progress is being made in a timely, ethical, and effective manner. The UAID Health Equity Practice Mentor will also assist Chapters with facilitating their health equity training course, completing three surveys/year, as well as creating posters and research manuscripts for submission to the UAID Journal and Conference. The expected time commitment is 25 hours/year.

UAID Health Equity Research Mentor Responsibilities: The ideal mentor will have significant experience in academic research as applied to public health and/or health equity. UAID Health Equity Research Mentors will be responsible for attending three virtual meetings/year during which research guidelines and progress on student submissions are reviewed. Additionally, UAID Health Equity Research Mentors are responsible for providing written feedback on student submissions for the UAID Journal of Health Equity and UAID Conference. The expected time commitment is 25 hours/year.

Timeline: If you are interested in serving as a UAID Health Equity Research Mentor or UAID Health Equity Practice Mentor, please submit this interest form by 11:59pm EST on September 30th. Kick-off meetings for all mentors will take place in September 2024. UAID will work to match Health Equity Practice Mentors with their Chapter by September 30, 2024 with monthly meetings taking place between the months of September 2024 and June 2025. We ask that all mentors agree to serve in their role for at least one year, until July 31, 2025.

Details about the Community Project process can be found here:

Examples of the Community Project can be found here: